First Responder Divorce
First responders such as police officers, correctional officers, and other law enforcement personnel; firefighters, EMS, and EMTs face a lot of hardship and many times with little recognition. Their job requirements are unique and can cause turmoil in their everyday lives. Shift work, long hours, mandatory overtime, and sometimes working days on end without a day off can create stressors in their personal life. Because of the job, first responders are at a higher risk than the average person to experience challenges in their marriage, oftentimes ending in divorce.
We understand that you may be concerned that your job (primarily your work schedule) will be perceived poorly in the eyes of the courts and used against you during the divorce proceedings. We work diligently, with you, your partner’s attorney, and the court to create customized parenting plans and present ways to work around your schedule so that your time with your children is not restricted.
Many first responders are part of the Florida Retirement System which is a mandatory retirement plan. The nature of mandatory retirement plans requires child support to be calculated differently as the mandatory contributions should be considered, unlike other voluntary contributions such as 401K contributions.